The hungama survey report - 2011 - Hyderabad Naandi Foundation 2011 - 139 p.

TheHUNGaMASurvey collects data on nutritional status of children, it also captures the voice of mothers and takes a quick look at the Anganwadi Centres in villages across100 districts in India. NaandiFoundation deployed a trained team of over 1000 surveyors who interviewed. 74,020 mothers and measured 109,093 childrenin4 months. The next few months were devoted to the analysis of data, validation by experts and compilation of this report. This report is dedicated to the mothers in this country and the huge army of social workers, Anganwadi Workers and other government functionaries engaged in this movement against child malnutrition.We hope it will serveas the basis for a joint action plan that the country will adopt in order to bring about dramatic change in the nutrition profile of our children.

Anganwadi centres
Nutrition status of children
Child Development Index