FCND discussion paper no. 22-27 - Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute 1997 - 1V. - Alternative Approaches to Locating the Food Insecure: Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence From South india (Title for Paper no. 22) (Bound together) Better Rich, or Better There? Grandparent Wealth, Coresidence, and Intrahousehold Allocation (Title for Paper no. 23) (Bound together) Child Care Practices Associated With Positive and Negative Nutritional Outcomes for Children in Bangladesh: A Descriptive Analysis (Title for Paper no. 24) (Bound together) Water, health and Income: A Review (Title for Paper no. 25) (Bound together) Why have Some Indian States Performed Better Than Others at Reducing Rural Poverty (Title for Paper no. 26) (Bound together) Bargaining and Gender Relations: Within and Beyond the Household (Title for Paper no. 27) (Bound together) .

Paper no. 22-27 Bound together

Nutrition policy
Rural poor
Child care
Food policy
