Sharma, Ruchir

Breakout nations: in search of the next economic miracle Sharma, Ruchir - New Delhi Allen Lane 2012 - x, 292 p.

Includes bibliographical references and index

'The old rule of forecasting was to make as many forecasts as possible and publicise the ones you got right. The new rule is to forecast so far in the future, no one will know you got it wrong.' Ruchir Sharma does neither. In Breakout Nations he shows why the economic 'mania' of the twenty-first century, with its unshakeable faith in the power of emerging markets - especially China - to continue growing at the astoundingly rapid and uniform pace of the last decade, is wrong. The next economic success stories will not be where we think they are. (,,9781846145568,00.html?strSrchSql=Breakout+nations*/Breakout_Nations_Ruchir_Sharma#)


Economic forecasting
Economic history - 21st century
Developing countries - Economic conditions
