Shan, Weijian

Money machine : a trailblazing American venture in China - New Jersey John Wiley & Sons 2023 - 320p.

1. An Unexpected Question 2. A License to Print Money 3. The Craft of Private Equity 4. A Special Time and Place 5. Dancing with the Wolves 6. Rolling Faster 7. Tug of War 8. Behind the Scenes 9. Roller Coaster 10. Transition to Nowhere 11. "Nut Case" 12. Untying the Knot 13. Making History 14. Righting the Ship 15. Bank Repairman 16. Game of Chicken 17. Window of Opportunity 18. Mariana Trench to Mount Everest 19. Coveted Prize 20. Flavor of the Day 21. Financial Tsunami 22. Stars Align 23. Turning Point 24. A Deal That Shakes

This book provides a detailed account of the first foreign acquisition of control of a Chinese national bank by a foreign investor. The book explores the dealmaking process, the complex negotiations between American executives and Chinese regulators, and the challenges faced to return the bank to growth and profitability. It offers insights into the finance operations in China's capital system and how private equity firms can add value to companies.


Banks and banking - China
Bank management
Global Financial crisis, 2008-2009.

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