One quarter of humanity: malthusian mythology and Chinese realities, 1700-2000

Lees, James Z.

One quarter of humanity: malthusian mythology and Chinese realities, 1700-2000 Lees, James Z - Cambridge Harvard University Press 1999 - xii, 248 p.

This book presents evidence about historical and contemporary Chinese population behavior that overturns much of the received wisdom about the differences between China and the West first voiced by Malthus. Malthus described a China in which early and universal marriage ensured high fertility and therefore high mortality. He contrasted this with Western Europe, where marriage occurred late and was far from universal, resulting in lower fertility and higher demographic responsiveness to economic circumstances. The result in China was thought to be mass misery as part of the population teetered on the brink of a Malthusian precipice, whereas in the West conditions were less severe.


Demography - China
Marriage - China
Birth control - China
Infanticide - China
China - Population


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