Agribusiness and society: corporate responses to environmentalism, market opportunities and public regulation

Agribusiness and society: corporate responses to environmentalism, market opportunities and public regulation - London Zed books 2004 - vii, 302 p.

"This volume examines in detail how far agribusiness corporations are responding to the opportunities and pressures resulting from emerging environmental awareness, to play their part in the ""greening"" of agriculture and food. In particular, in what ways are these corporations changing their R&D and business practices in order to develop new environmentally oriented products, services and methods of production? And what can they change of their own volition, and where is external direction a necessary condition of environmentally friendly innovation? These questions are explored through a series of highly original investigations of particular bio tech and other agribusiness companies--including Monsanto, Ciba Geigy, Dole, and Chiquita--and their behavior in particular parts of the world, including California, Europe, Australia, Brazil, and Central America"


Agricultural industries - Environmental aspects
Green products
Social responsibility of business


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