Biotechnological inventions: moral restraints and patent law

Mills, Oliver

Biotechnological inventions: moral restraints and patent law Mills, Oliver - Aldershot Ashgate Publishing 2005 - xviii+195 p.

These two books share an underlying theme that the role of law in the development of new genetic technologies is to be facilitative as well as regulatory. The collection edited by Professor Sheila McLean contains 24 papers published recently, mainly from international law and bioethics journals. This collection forms part of Ashgate's International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law. The book is divided into two equal parts, with the first focussing on a general discussion about the genetic enterprise as a whole, and the second on cutting edge debates in genetics such as cloning and gene therapy.


Biotechnology - Patents
Patent laws and legislation - U.S.
Biotechnology industries - Law and legislation - Europe
Biotechnology industries - Law and legislation - U.S..
Patent laws and legislation - Europe


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