Structural adjustment: the SAPRI report: the policy roots of economic crisis, poverty and inequality

The Structural Adjustment

Structural adjustment: the SAPRI report: the policy roots of economic crisis, poverty and inequality - London Zed Books 2004 - xiv, 242 p.

Structural adjustment programmes are the largest single cause of increased poverty, inequality and hunger in developing countries. This book is the most comprehensive, real-life assessment to date of the impacts of the liberalisation, deregulation, privatisation and austerity that constitute structural adjustment. It is the result of a unique five year collaboration among citizensDgroups,developingcountrygovernments,andtheWorldBankitself.Itsauthors,themembersoftheStructuralAdjustmentParticipatoryReviewInternationalNetwork(SAPRIN),revealthepracticalconsequencesformanufacturing,smallenterprise,wagesandconditions,socialservices,health,education,foodsecurity,povertyandinequality.Thestarkconclusionemerges:ifthereistobeanyhopeformeaningfuldevelopment,structuraladjustmentandneoliberaleconomicsmustbejettisoned.


Business cycles - Developing countries - Case studies
Poverty - Developing countries - Case studies

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