तनव एवं कार्या

तनव एवं कार्या Tanaav evam karya : तनव को समझने एवं प्रबंधन सम्बन्धी दृष्टिकोण = Tannav ko samjhne ebong prabandhan samandhi dristikon / [electronic resource] = Tanaav evam karya Tannav ko samjhne ebong prabandhan samandhi dristikon संपादक डी एम पेस्टोनजी एवं सतीश पांडे - नई दिल्ली : सेज पव्लिकेशनस्, 2017 - 1 online resource

This book focuses on the problem of stress from various angles and perspectives and provides empirical findings relevant to different occupational settings. It provides comprehensive research literature, which has been divided along the following theoretical perspectives: Occupational Stress and Burnout; Work–Family Conflict and Stress; Positive Stress Management; and Stress and Spirituality.


तनाव (मनोविज्ञान)
तनाव प्रबंधन
कार्य--मनोवैज्ञानिक पहलू
नौकरी का तनाव

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