Faster disaster recovery: the business owner's guide to developing a business continuity plan

Elder, Jennifer H.

Faster disaster recovery: the business owner's guide to developing a business continuity plan - New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2019 - xii, 187 p.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface xi Chapter 1 Business Disaster Defined 1 Disaster Timing and Size 2 Disaster Types 3 Note 4 Chapter 2 Why You Need a Plan 5 Disasters Occur . . . a Lot 6 Disasters Happen Quickly 9 Disaster Response Is Expensive 11 Impaired Response 13 Some Industries Require Them 13 Your Reputation and Value Are at Stake 14 Additional Reasons 14 Why Businesses Fail to Plan 15 Notes 17 Chapter 3 Business Continuity Planning 19 The Five-Step Business Continuity Cycle 21 The Business Continuity Planning Process 23 Getting Started 24 Note 25 Chapter 4 Step 1: Obtain Management Support 27 Management's Role 28 Obtaining Management Support and Approval 29 Note 32 Chapter 5 Step 2: Assemble a Planning Team 33 Role of the Planning Team 34 Who to Include 35 Organization of the Team 35 The First Meeting 37 Chapter 6 Step 3: Collect Data 39 Identify Your Mission-Critical Functions 40 Department Evaluations 41 Policies and Procedures 41 Regulatory Codes and Requirements 43 Useful Documents 43 Sample Forms 48 Chapter 7 Step 4: Evaluate Operations 49 Chapter 8 Step 5: Identify and Evaluate Risks 53 Risk Assessment Process 54 Three Risk Assessment Methods to Consider 66 Assign a Chief Risk Officer 72 Chapter 9 Step 6: Determine Recovery Strategies 75 Prevention 76 Incident Response 78 Business Continuation 81 Communications During a Disaster 82 Chapter 10 Steps 7-10: Create, Communicate, Test, and Regularly Update Your Written Plan 89 A Complete Business Continuity Plan 90 A Basic Business Continuity Plan 93 After the Plan is Written 94 Practice Your Plan 96 Chapter 11 Insurance Coverage 99 Predisaster Financial Planning 100 Basic Types of Insurance 102 Understanding Your Coverage 106 Concepts to Know 107 Filing an Insurance Claim 111 Insurance Adjuster versus Public Adjuster 113 Notes 116 Chapter 12 Computer Systems: Disaster Prevention and Recovery 117 Causes and Costs of IT Disasters 121 IT Disaster Prevention 123 Laptop and Cell Phone Protection 126 Network Security 129 Operating in the "Cloud" 130 Creating an IT Disaster Recovery Plan 132 Cyber Insurance 136 Notes 137 Chapter 13 Special Disaster Issues 139 Power Outage 140 Fire 141 Hazardous Materials Spill 142 Flood 143 Hurricane 145 Earthquake 146 Tornado 147 Winter Storm 148 Heat Wave 149 Flu 150 Conclusion 151 Appendix A Insurance Coverage Worksheet 153 Appendix B Risk Analysis Worksheet 155 Appendix C Damage Assessment Form 159 Appendix D Summary of Communication Systems 161 Appendix E Emergency Communications Summary 163 Appendix F Business Continuity Plan Outline 165 Appendix G Schedule of Training and Testing 169 Appendix H List of U.S. Privacy Laws 171 Appendix I IT Backup and Testing Log 175 Appendix J Sample Computer Network Map 177 About the Author 179 Index 181

In the face of an environmental or man-made disaster, it's imperative to have a contingency plan that's mapped out your corporation's strategy to minimize the impact on the daily functions or life of the corporation. Successful planning not only can limit the damage of an unforeseen disaster but also can minimize daily mishaps-such as the mistaken deletion of files-and increase a business's overall efficiency. Faster Disaster Recovery provides a 10-step approach for business owners on creating a disaster recovery plan (from both natural and man-made events). Each chapter ends with thought-provoking questions that allow business owners to explore their particular situation. Covers natural events such as earthquakes and floods Provides guidance on dealing with man-made events such as terrorist attacks Offers worksheets to make your contingency plans Includes several examples throughout the book There's no time like the present to develop a business contingency plan-and this book shows you how.


Small business--Management
Business planning
Crisis management

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