Mergers and acquisitions for dummies

Snow, Bill R

Mergers and acquisitions for dummies - 2nd ed. - Hoboken John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2023 - 352 p.

1. Explaining Mergers and Acquisitions 2. Learning M&A Rules and Decorum 3. Utilizing the M&A Process 4. Making Sense of the Economics of M&A 5. Finding Buyers and Sellers 6. Explaining and Influencing Valuation 7. Creating and Reviewing an Offering Document 8. Reading and Writing the Offers 9. Selecting Advisors 10. Hiring an Investment Banker 11. Arranging Meetings Between Buyer and Seller 12. Financing the Transaction 13. Learning How to Negotiate Successfully 14. Confirming Due Diligence 15. Documenting the Transaction 16. Closing and Integrating the Acquisition 17. Ensuring a Successful Acquisition 18. Ten Transaction Pitfalls 19. Ten Reasons Acquisitions Fail 20. Ten Lurking Problems for Sellers

This book is a comprehensive guide for anyone involved in transactional work, including business owners and executives. The book provides insights and knowledge to help individuals become successful in buying or selling a company and improving its value. The evaluation process used by M&A professionals differs from those used by owners and executives to manage businesses. The book details the step-by-step M&A process, describes different types of transactions, demonstrates various ways to structure deals, defines methods to identify and contact targets, provides insights on financing transactions, reveals what helps and hurts a company's valuation, offers negotiating tips, explains due diligence, analyzes purchase agreements, and discloses methods to ensure successful integration of combined companies. Updates to the second edition include quality of earnings reports, representation and warranty insurance, hiring investment bankers, changes to offering documents, the rise of family offices, and the use of adjusted EBITDA as a valuation basis. The book is a great choice for business owners, executives, students, service providers, and anyone interested in M&A transactions.


Consolidation and merger of corporations

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